Objectives & Level of Play by Grade
For brand new players, Mini-Laxers learn the fundamentals of the game in a safe and welcoming environment. Mostly Kindergarteners and 1st graders who want to try and sport out, Mini-Laxers...
Practice 10-12 times per season
Use sticks and by the end of the season, gloves
Play with tennis or softer balls
Work with MHS players and parent volunteers
Have FUN!

Junior Bulldogs
For new and emerging players in the first and second grade. These boys play small side games in full lacrosse gear against their fellow Montclair teammates. In-house players...
Wear Full Lacrosse Gear
Learn to play as a team on a half field
Play 8-10 in-house games a season
Practice 20-30 times per season
Have FUN!

3rd-8th Travel
Our main lacrosse program takes all players and integrates them into grade-specific teams. Each team has a head coach and several parent or staff assistant coaches. All spring players...
Wear Full Lacrosse Gear
Practice 30-40 times
Compete in 10-12 local games
Play against teams in the area
Have FUN!