This is a new program open to first-time Boys Youth Lacrosse players registered to Lacrosse Club of Montclair’s programs with full program payment (or scholarship approval) and is available for new gear from All Lacrosse. The process is simple...
You will go to All-Lacrosse to have your son be properly fitted for a full set of new boys Lacrosse gear which includes the following items (the “Gear”): (a) Lacrosse Helmet; (b) Lacrosse stick; (c) Set of Lacrosse Pads include shoulder pads and arm pads; (d) Lacrosse gloves; and (e) a mouthguard. Note: Players must provide their own sneakers/cleats and protective cup. The Gear Value is $300.
You commit to the following as it relates to the Gear:
Keep it in your possession and avoid loss, damage, and theft;
Use it only for the purposes intended;
Any required maintenance must be done at All-Lacrosse
Keep the Gear in good working order (except normal wear and tear) without any unauthorized modifications (e.g. painting the helmet).
You agree to pay $300 by the end date of the program for which you are getting the gear, of which a $75 non-refundable down payment/rental fee is due when you get the Gear. (Payment plans & need-based discounts are available.) If the player does not want to continue with Lacrosse, you may return the Gear at any time prior to that end date to get a refund of any sums paid over the non-refundable $75. If the Gear is lost, modified, damaged, or otherwise not returned by that end date, it will be considered purchased by you and any unpaid balances will be due at that time.
If interested in this program, please reach out to Howie at All Lacrosse, 147 Valley Road, Montclair, NJ 07042. 973-509-0303 or howie@alllacrosse.com.

Gently Used Equipment-
Loaner Program
All players are responsible for providing their own equipment, HOWEVER, for newcomers, we do not want the cost of equipment to prevent a child from trying the sport. We understand parents’ concern about buying equipment when unsure whether or not their son will stick with it, so we have some lightly used equipment available to lend for a season or program. Those interested should contact our registrar at karen@montclairlacrosse.com with “Request for Loaner Gear” in the subject line.
For Mini Laxers (Kindergarten)
Only a regulation lacrosse stick is required.
It will need to be cut down so check-in with your coaches once the season starts.
When buying a complete stick (plastic head and alloy shaft) stick will be between 40" and 42".
1st-8th Grade Players
All players are required to have full equipment (stick, mouth guard plus body protection), rules set by NJLLA and U.S. Lacrosse, and High School Athletics.

Regulation Lacrosse Stick
Lacrosse Helmet with 4-point Chin Strap
Youth designated or one of the "fits-most" designated helmets designed for young adults to adult. Helmet shell should be standard white in color with black or chrome facemask.
Colored Mouth Guard (not clear or white).

Lacrosse Shoulder Pads

Lacrosse Arm & Elbow Pads/Guards
Lacrosse Gloves
Athletic Supporter/Cup

Performance Cleats or Turf Shoes
They should have nubbies on the bottom. The practice and game fields will either by on natural grass, field turf (fake grass), or old-style astroturf. Running shoes/sneakers, skateboard sneakers (Sketchers, etc.), fashion sneakers (New Balance, other brands), HAVE NO LATERAL SUPPORT! and can lead to injury!
Performance footwear/cleats are required for 5th-8th grade.
Baseball cleats are prohibited.
Check with your coach in other grades.
These players need more specialized equipment

Lacrosse Goalie Stick
Oversized head with either a regular "field" length shaft or goalie shaft (goalie shaft is a little sit longer; depends on age, size and playing style of player).

Goalie Helmet
The helmet must have a hard plastic throat guard that is bolted or attached at earlobes. It comes in clear or black normally. Colored Mouth Guard required as well; cannot use white or clear in color.

Goalie Chest Protector
It has more protection in mid-section and body area than regular "field player" shoulder pads. NEW REQUIREMENTS ARE IN PLACE FOR CHEST PADS - PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR SUPPLIER

Arm & Elbow Pads/Guards
Now required for all K-8 Grades, with no exceptions, and players will not be allowed to play by game officials (new rule, 2016).

Goalie Gloves
Goalie-specific lacrosse gloves recommended due to added protection features such as reinforced protection for thumbs.
Athletic Supporter/Cup
Performance Cleats or Turf Shoes
They should have nubbies on the bottom. The practice and game fields will either by on natural grass, field turf (fake grass), or old-style astroturf. Running shoes/sneakers, skateboard sneakers (Sketchers, etc.), fashion sneakers (New Balance, other brands), HAVE NO LATERAL SUPPORT! and can lead to injury!
Performance footwear/cleats are required for 5th-8th grade.
Baseball cleats are prohibited.
Check with your coach in other grades.

Optional for
K-8th Grade
Shin guards, football hip protecting compression shorts, etc.